
orca ahoy!

orca ahoy!
Originally uploaded by STRAYcreative

so the next day we went whale watching!!

it was so incredible.
seriously, words cannot describe.
i had some sort of spiritual experience out there.
freaking amazing.

we were surrounded by the J pod.
one side of the boat, there were a few not 100 feet away!!
just cruising along..in and out of the water.

then over to our right, a group of atleast 6 were splashing and playing around like dolphins!
it was a sight to see!
really one of the neatest things ever.

i got some great photos too.
i borrowed my aunts zoom lens.

and right as we were leaving,
one flipped out of the water, a total 180!
and jumped back in with his tail splashing around,
just like a dolphin.....which they are by the way.
i was speechless.


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